Friday, November 13, 2009

Be Thankful...

We live in troubled times; times of bleak economic news; times of unrest and uncertainty; times that portend the possibility of greater pressures our family as well as the family of faith. Make no mistake; we are a divided nation, politically, idiologically and morally.  It seems that our nation is fighting for its very identity and soul.  And it seems that these troubled times portend a potential for greater pressures against those who hold to the name of Christ.  Yet these are not times unique to our generation alone. We are not facing anything that others before us have not faced in one form or another.

Our faith and confidence in Christ isn’t dependent upon the winds of change or unrest but upon the certainty of Christ’s love, sacrifice and victory. For this reason the Bible teaches us to rest in Him and to be thankful... in all things.  Have you considered that the New Testament writers wrote during times of difficulty and persecution to those who called themselves Christians? It wasn’t written during times of ease or peace, but in the crucible fires of persecution that tested their faith and commitment.  Our forefathers in the faith, both in the first century of Christianity and in the birthing of our nation,  suffered through economic hardships as well as physical persecutions.  Yet they were encouraged to be thankful and to bring honor, glory and praise to Almighty God.   So how do we go about that? We do so by remembering all we have in Christ, especially in His resurrection.  We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us and gave Himself for us.  We persevere in faith, knowing that there awaits a day when trials, tribulations, persectutions and oppression shall pass.  We look with expectancy and assurance that there is coming a day when He will return; when Peace will be established; when righteousness shall rule.  In the meantime, we give thanks... thanks for all we have in Christ and have been given in Him.  We give thanks... for the hopeful and absolute expectation of His coming...  We worship with praise and assurance in our hearts... We serve knowing that it is what He would have us do because He led the way... We pray for the coming day that all will be made right to His glory and praise.

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