Monday, July 26, 2010

Clear Expectations

Good leadership defines expectations for both sides of the relationship.  Last week we discussed some of the expectations Christ has as He sends us out into the world.  Today, we look at the expectations and price that we can expect to meet as we obey.  Too many enter into discipleship and service with expectations that are askew.  We need to understand the price of discipleship as well as the hardships that can be associated with serving Jesus Christ in a world that so desperately needs Him yet is opposed to Him, His teachings and consequently His people.  We are not to be fearful nor slack in our responsibility, but aware that opposition will come.  This knowledge keeps us from being unsettled or overwhelmed when we meet up with opposition.  It keeps us focused and on task as we accomplish God’s purpose.  As we serve the Lord, let us not only remember the cost and expectations that come with serving Him, but also with the reward that is sure to come as well.