Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Importance of Equity and Love in the Family

Each of us is special in God’s eye.  The cost of my salvation was the same as it is for all people.  We didn’t earn that love or deserve the price His love paid for our redemption.  He simply loves us all equally and unconditionally. Yet there are many who struggle with feelings of inadequacy and resentment because we feel that we are not the favorite.  Others are wrong to assume that they are somehow special and empowered because they are the favorite.  We see these dynamics played out in the family, in the classroom, at the work place and in the church.  As parents, we must do all we can to combat the tendency to favor one child over another.  Generations have passed and yet the conflict between the descendants of Ishmael and Esau continue against the children of Israel.  If we are to have strong families and emotionally and spiritually healthy children, then we must make sure that we love as God loves – unconditionally and sacrificially for all.

Verses of the Week:

And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison: but Rebekah loved Jacob.
Genesis 25:28