Monday, January 3, 2011

Be Transformed...

We come to that time of year when we make resolutions to become better people.  We strive to be better in health, better in our mindset and attitude as well as in our relationships and citizenship.  We want to change our ways.  The problem is that we see a need for conformity to our plan of action.  But conformation, bringing the process of one thing into accord with another, isn’t what we’re to strive to achieve.  Rather it is transformation that is needed.  Conforming is outward whereas transformation is an inward process.  The caterpillar changes because of its inward makeup, not because it makes a willful decision to look like a butterfly and be the butterfly.  As Christians, we are born again, or anew.  We are a new creation and the Holy Spirit begins our transformation into Christ likeness.  That’s what real faith does.  It leads us from just outward show and conformity, to transformation; a metamorphous into something different.  We need to make sure that we aren’t getting in the way of the Spirit’s work by resisting or quenching the Spirit.  We are to submit to the transformation; this work of God in us that brings us to look, think, and act like Christ.