Sunday, October 23, 2011

Post Revival Thoughts

We are grateful for the messages brought by Brother Danny Fudge, Missionary to Omaha, Nebraska.  The messages from God's Word were boldly proclaimed and in time, we will see if they bring about the fruit of real revival.  What is the fruit of revival?  Restoration and a reinvigorated commitment to the Lord resulting in real life change and transformation.  The fruit is also seen by lost people coming to Christ as a result of the impact upon the church.  That is because true revival is transformational to individuals, families, churches and communities.  Real revival endures.   Bible precedents reveal that the generation that experiences genuine revival sees the impact and effect of revival throughout their life time.  In other words, real revival isn’t transitory but lasting; reaching, influencing and  impacting generations.  So what took place at LBC?  We've yet to see the lasting impact but this we do know.  We enjoyed the fellowship of God’s Spirit as well as that of His people.  We heard the Word of God boldly proclaimed, and witnessed people responding to the Spirit.  Praise God for His immeasurable goodness!