Thursday, September 30, 2010

Faith Focus 2

Faith Focus means defining the relationships in your life that are key to walking the walk of faith with integrity. We covered the foundational relationship that is only found in Christ. From that personal and intimate relationship, all our other relationships must be built. It is important that we make Christ the central and imperative relationship. Too often we lose sight that He is to take first priority, thereby losing our focus and way as we live our life out here on Earth. The second lesson of keeping our Faith Focus is on being teachable as well as learning from our mistakes. God’s children sometimes are wounded by their own sinful actions and remain inactive and guilt ridden rather than finding forgiveness and impetus for growth and positive action for the Kingdom of God. Others become stubborn and rebellious, refusing to confess their wrongful acts. Both are disruptive to a positive Faith Focus of a life that glorifies God.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Faith Focus

Last week we learned the importance of living out your faith and finishing the Christian race well.  This week we look at the part that friends and personal associations take in our faith walk.  Too many today compartmentalize their lives topically; this belongs to work, this to church, and this to family.  The truth is that our faith in Christ is to permeate every facet of our life; filling every nook and cranny so to speak.  Some today rationalize away their friendship and associations as not belonging to the sacred aspect of life, but rather their secular aspect.  But they forget that we have been called to be an influence; to be salt and light in the secular world.  Believers get themselves into trouble when they try to marry the two; coming away usually having compromised and losing their influence and ability to impact their world for Christ.  Jehosaphat learned that lesson when he tried to enter into an association with Ahab.  It’s a lesson we would do well to heed.