Monday, December 6, 2010

The Motivation for Giving

We call this season, the season of giving.  This isn’t because of the exchanging of gifts; that is what it has come to mean.  The “Spirit of Giving” comes from a loving and merciful God who gave His only Son.  Apart from that gift, there would be no salvation; there would be no peace or joy; there would be no evidence of goodwill but only holy and righteous judgment from a Holy and Righteous Judge.  That God cared enough, loved enough to sacrifice Himself is testimony of His love and compassion for us.  Judicial holiness must be satisfied and that satisfaction came at the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross.  That is why this is the season of giving.  And although there are many people and things that detract our attention away from such focus, the reality is that the focus of the season is Christ, God’s wonderful and priceless gift to humanity.  It is our responsibility to take and share this gift with the world.  It’s amazing that as Jesus looked unto fields full of ripe grain, His prayer was not for the harvest, but for laborers.  God is calling us to work with Him in sharing His love to a lost and dying world.  Let’s get busy being about sharing Christmas.