Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Communicable Loyalty

That which ought to define us as Christians is our commitment to Jesus Christ.  This isn't a verbal commitment but one that is proven throughout life by our actions.  One man stated that it isn't your profession, but rather your pursuit of Jesus that makes all of the difference.  Our commitment to Jesus should be such that no matter what we face, our resolve and loyalty will remain the same.  The world is full of fair weather friends.  We need to emulate the loyalty and faith of David and and of Ittai, a gentile from Gath who pledged his loyalty in life or in death.  His commitment to David and his loyal friendship was communicable; it was catching.  In spite of the dire circumstances, such loyalty and devotion shines.  We live in a troubled time.  The world seems to be slipping further from the things of God.  Animosity against things Christian is mounting.  The world economies and societies seem to be imploding.  Yet even in times of trial, the Christian ought to reaffirm his commitment and loyalty to Christ.  Let us say to Jesus the words that Ittai of Gath said to David "...Whether in death or life, even there also will thy servant be."

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