Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Question of Motivation

We were by God’s Word to evaluate our commitment and devotion to Jesus Christ. George Barna in one of his books divides Americans into what he calls tribal groups. Two of those groups identify Christians. There are the casual Christians and then there are the captive Christians. This latter group lives their lives devoted to Christ even when it might cost them. The Bible defines this group as disciples; those willing to take up their cross and follow Him. Comfort isn’t their focus, obedience to Jesus is. So how do we begin to move toward true discipleship? It begins with a firm understanding of Who Jesus is followed by a confidence in knowing where we stand with Him.  Those who are clearly founded on these are in a more stable position to move beyond a casual to a captive relationship.

It isn't so much about what us as much as it is about Him.  Many come to Christ not because of Who He is, but because of what He has to offer.  Although we have a desire to be saved from sin, we are willing to be captive to Christ because we are captivated by Him.  Jesus, the Creator and Sustainer of all that is came to this world to die for us as payment for our sins.  Who He is as well as His love for us is what captivates our hearts and brings us to submit our wills to Him.  It is this proper understanding of Who Jesus is. His love for us and our love for Him that fosters the desire to live for Him; to become Captive Christians.

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