Monday, June 14, 2010

Design or Chance?

There is a war taking place for the soul of America.  The battles fought splash into the classrooms and campuses where our children are educated.  James Owen, a writer for National Geographic News dated August 10, 2006 wrote that Americans adults are less likely to hold to the views and teaching of evolution.  There is a concentrated effort by those in a position of power and influence to change that and would have us catch up to the eastern nations where 80 percent of adults embrace evolution as fact.  What’s the difference in America?  The article states that it is the influence of churches and clergy.  The Bible teaches us that faith begins with the understanding that the worlds were framed by God; that all that is was created by God.  New evidences support that the universe has a beginning.  That means that there is a cause; and that cause is God and His creative work.  Romans 1 tells us that this is part of what theologians call General Revelation.  The Bible is replete with passages that refer to God's creative acts and their witness of His majesty and power. Faith begins in a confident knowing and believing that God is; and that through Jesus Christ, He is approachable.  How important is it that we teach our children about the creation? Extremely!

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