Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Why of Worship

The Why of Worship can be answered in the simple statement Jesus made to His disciples when He said, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you…”  Now don’t misunderstand.  God has given us freewill and the opportunity to exercise is by accepting His invitation to salvation.  But that invitation must be extended.  God chose to save us; He didn’t have to do it.  Isn’t it amazing that the Holy, Sinless, Perfect and All Powerful God chose to save us from our sin.  The emphasis isn’t on our ability to choose, but rather that we have the opportunity to choose.  That fact when coupled with the Person of God should answer for us the question of the Why of Worship.  We worship Him because He is God and has by grace, chosen to save us from our sins.  On top of that, we are not just servants, but children of God and heirs with Christ.  He has taken the dirty rags full or corruption and sin, and clothed us with His robe of righteousness.  He has cleansed us, saved us, and redeemed us by His blood!  That is the Why of Worship!  Praise God for His wonderful and marvelous grace.

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