Friday, November 26, 2010

One Tree; One Light; One Gift

A hindrance to growth we’ve found is an apathy or antagonism toward God and His purpose and will for our life.  That apathy or antagonism can be combated with an appropriate view toward the Gift’s God bestows upon us.  It begins with salvation, but continues though the sealing and gifting of the Holy Spirit and the sure hope that sustains us through tough times.  There are many who are searching for peach and purpose.  True peace and purpose can only be found in Christ.  Many are focused on the purchasing of gifts and deals proffered by the many stores offering discounts and sales.  But none compare to the gift of Christ.  Christmas is about One Tree, One Light, and One Gift.  As we go about this busy time of year, giving and exchanging of gifts, let us reflect with an attitude of gratitude for that One gift.  It is that gift that is to impact and direct or living and our giving.  Paul reminded the church at Corinth about that truth.  This season is a time to focus on that unspeakable gift; Jesus.  Through Him we have forgiveness, redemption and salvation.  It came at a great cost paid upon a rough tree, wrapped in grace and love.

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