Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Ready Faith

Many desire to be used of God in order to make a difference. The problem is that we get bored with waiting or fearful when confronted with a daunting task or situation. When we look in the Bible at the people God used to make a difference and impact the world for Him, we see commonalities. We see unquestionable faith, reliance and sub-mission to His leadership and will for their lives. People like Joseph, Daniel, the servant girl who told her master about the prophet that could heal his leprosy; or a slave who became a Prince of Egypt who would later reject that path to follow God’s plan to lead Israel from bondage. Moses became a great leader, but not without heartache or ruin. If we want to have that kind of influence upon the world for Christ, then it means having a focused faith as well as a courageous walk. It also means to be alert and aware of opportunities to step up when called. We, as servants, need to be ready.

VERSE OF THE WEEK:  My Heart is fixed, O God, My heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise!  Psalm 57:7

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