Sunday, September 25, 2011

From My Heart to Yours... Sept. 25, 2011

It’s about priorities.  In a day when each of us is so busy, we are tempted often to think that busyness is unique to this generation.  And I’m sure that with all that we today can fill our day with, it would seem that this is true.  Yet the Patriarchs had twenty-four hours, just as we do today.  It’s not a matter of needing more time; it’s a matter of management and priority.  Jesus is calling the lost to be saved, and the saved to follow Him into the fields.  Even during the time of His earthly ministry, Jesus sought those who would faithfully follow Him into the Father’s work; to go into the field of the world with the message of God’s love for all mankind.  Then as now, there were many who gave reasons as to why they could not follow at that time.  There were those that desired to follow, but the priorities in their lives were obstacles to their immediate obedience.  The offer to follow and serve is still presented to those who will hear and heed it.  We pray for Revival, but revival, if God chooses to send it, causes us to reflect and reprioritize our life and seek His will above our will.   It calls us to submissive obedience by deferring our will to His.

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