Sunday, November 25, 2012

What will they remember you for?

What will you be remembered for; what will be your epitaph?  There are some great statements made by God about certain men in the Bible.  As we continue our series, Man Up, we want to take a look at a couple of these men and what it takes to follow their example.  Specifically, we want to look at the life of Abraham.  It was due to his faith and willingness to obey and follow God that resulted in him being the source of blessing for all humanity.  The question each of us should be asking is this; how can I live a life so that God can use me to bless the world?  Too many don’t believe that it is possible for one man to make a difference.  But that isn’t the teaching of Scripture.  Sadly, it was one man missing that resulted in the fall of Israel to captivity.  And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.   Ezekiel 22:30.  I often wonder if God is looking for that one person to make a difference, a time for a man to step up and make all the difference in his family, his church, or his country.  Thank God that in Abraham, God found a man willing to make a difference!

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