Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Father's Legacy

In Biblical days, Fathers would give a special blessing to their children and a special blessing to the firstborn son.  It is a practice that is still followed in some cultures.  Some today see the legacy as that blessing.  Men, what legacy of blessing are you leaving your children?  As we continue our study in Genesis, we see God speaking to Isaac.  The blessing of God comes upon Isaac because of the faithfulness of his father, Abraham.  We need to make sure that our legacy is more than what the world tells us we need to leave them.  Our legacy to our children should be a legacy of faith; of a life lived for God as an example to them so that they not only hear about our faith, but see our faith played out before them in our homes.  We are to lead, nurture and lovingly admonish them in the Lord.  It isn’t enough just to provide for their physical wellbeing.  God has established us as the head of our families and as the leader, we need to provide them spiritual guidance as well.  A claim of faith without a walk of faith will breed rebellion.  Let’s walk with integrity.

Verses of the Week:

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

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