Sunday, October 5, 2014

Moral Relativism permeates our society today. It seems that this is the default position for fallen humanity. This philosophy seeks to define its own truth and shies away from absolute truths. In the day of Judges, the Bible states that every man did what was right in his own eyes. Right or wrong is relative to the individual and his or her point of view. It is because of this accelerated trend toward moral relativism that speaks to our need for revival; personal, church, and societal revival and reform. The Bible is the defining word on right and wrong. So if we are to experience revival, then we must meet the criteria established in God’s Word. Repentance and Reform are mandated prerequisites to revival. When the nation of Israel would stray from God, consequences followed. Severe persecution and the plagues of things going wrong would bring the nation back to God. The call of God is clear. He desires for His people to come broken and humbled. Greg Laurie, honorable chairman of the National Day of Prayer states, “… revival is God’s work; it cannot be manufactured by men. But if we want Him to work, then we must pray.” He states, and I agree, that our nation is headed for trouble. I echo his observation concerning our country. “The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart. 

Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? 
Psalm 85:6

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