Friday, March 21, 2014

Christ in the Storm

One of my favorite contemporary Christian groups is Casting Crowns.  They sing a song that I’ve come to love and reflect upon every time I find myself in the midst of a life storm.  Part of the song simply states, “…And I'll praise You in this storm, And I will lift my hands; For You are who You are No matter where I am…”  It is good to know that the Lord is in the midst of the storm; that he is in control.  It is assuring to know that He is in the midst of the storm, and that we are in His capable hands.  He is our anchor as well as our refuge.  The storms are going to rage and there will be losses as well as times of anxiety and fear.  But the Child of God can rest in the sure hope and love that is Jesus Christ.  In Him we have a haven of rest; a place of peace and assurance.  When we face life storms we can trust in our Master.  He will see us through the storm and bring us safely home.  We can rest and hope in Him come what may.  So in the midst of the storm, we can worship and give Him praise.  He is in control.

Verses of the Week:

Psalm 23:4a
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me….

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