Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pride, Arrogance and Confusion

Ever since the fall, man has had to deal with the problem of his own pride and arrogance.  It was the downfall of Lucifer and it is the downfall of humanity as well.  I was always amazed at the teen patients I dealt with in a lockup medical facility I worked at in Arkansas.  They saw former patients killed or maimed because of life style choices they had made.  But each time that was brought home to them we always heard that was them, this is me.  It seemed that what had caused others to fail was not going to be their history.  Somehow they would be smarter or immune to the consequences of the choices that they had made.  I have seen the same attitude in church members as well as they began to be less committed in their walk and make decisions that would bring them to compromise their faith and conviction.  Just like the Sunday School lesson the adult class studied today.  David felt that as King, he was above the rules and could forego the consequences of sin.  We need to take care that we don’t get caught up in our pride and deceive ourselves into thinking that with us, we are the exception rather than the rule when it comes to the consequences of sin.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 16:18  

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